The first night it rained buckets on the pavilion tin roof, who-ah was that loud! I did sell one collage though and the buyer was so nice! The second day the weather sounded more promising but it was windy and cold. I think the visitors under dressed and looked chilled to the bone and miserable. By the end of the day I had sold nothing and felt a little defeated. We couldn't sell prints at this event and I realize originals are quite an investment.
Sunday was gorgeous. My booth was packed all day. And although sales were not happening I was really enjoying the people. I loved how they would study each piece and then I would see them begin to laugh at the humor in my art. People spent a long time in my tent and asked many questions. I felt really appreciated from all the kind compliments and notice of the details in my art. A few gallery owners came in too. Almost a full box of business cards, stack of brochures and postcards were gone by the end of the weekend.
Last five minutes of the festival the coolest couple came in and bought three collages! Then when I got home a very nice person contacted me and bought "Push Mower" the one I have posted here. Even though I only broke even, I feel like the festival was a huge success. I hope I am invited to come back next year. It feels so cool to know five of my collages will be hanging somewhere special and that I was able to meet the people that have them.
I though Push Mower was a good pic to post on this blog entry because with being so busy my yard is now a jungle of overgrown weeds and grass! I have lots of mowing and weed wacking to do and hopefully plant my vegetable garden this weekend too. If only I could make real robots..
I would have loved to come! It sounds like it was profitable...I'd buy your work any day!
Love the Push Mower...very cool!
I'm jealous...I want a veggie garden, but it would never survive in my hands. lol
Congrats on selling 5 originals! That's just awesome!
sounds like the art show was a success! may 2012 be everything you hope for and more!i hope you can check out my blog for some +vibes and inspiration! I am also hosting a giveaway :) xo
Thanks for following neighbor!
Well, if you have any garden and you want to mow all the lawns from your garden then you should hire lawn mowing gold coast so that you don't need to buy any lawn mower machine. Because from the gold coast you'll find very professional gardeners who can give you the best services ever.
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